Study Process & Schedule
This study is being undertaken in accordance with the planning and design process under the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) Municipal Class Environment Assessmental document (October 2000, amended in 2007 & 2011) under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Process
Municipalities in Ontario must follow the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act to plan, design and construct most transportation, water and wastewater projects. The Class EA is a phased planning approach that includes 5 main study phases and public/agency consultation. The complexity and extent of the environmental impacts of a project determines the number of phases to be completed to comply with the Class EA process. The 5 phases are as follows:
Phase 1 - Problem or Opportunity: This phase requires the County to document the factors that lead to the conclusion that an improvement or change along County Road 20 is warranted. Background studies and environmental inventories are underway to complete this phase.
Phase 2 - Alternative Solutions: Alternative solutions to the problem or opportunity are developed and evaluated, taking into account the existing environment and comments received from the public and review agencies. The Project Team has been reviewing and considering comments submitted to assist with the development of solutions. A summary of Phases 1 and 2 were presented at the public meeting.
Phase 3 - Alternative Design Concepts for Preferred Solution: This phase examines alternative methods of implementing the preferred solution, again considering environmental impacts and public and review agency input.
Phase 4 - Environmental Study Report: This phase includes the preparation of an Environmental Study Report that documents the rationale and planning and consultative process undertaken for the project and the publication of the report for public review.
Phase 5 - Implementation: This phase allows for design and construction of the items as planned and outined in the Environmental Study Report.
(Click the chart below to download the full MEA process table)