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Study Overview

The County of Essex is undertaking a Muncipal Class Environmental Assessment study for potential corridor improvements for County Road 20 (Seacliffe Drive) from Kratz Sideroad in the Town of Kingsville to Sherk Street in the Municipality of Leamington. 


The EA study will involve: 


  • Analyzing the issues in the study area including land use and development patterns, roadway capacity and safety, and active transportation considerations

  • Understanding the problems / opportunities in the study area

  • Identifying and evaluating reasonable alternative solutions that best address the problems and opportunities

  • Completing environmental inventories and assessing impacts of the recommended solution

  • Developing and evaluating design concepts for the recommended solution

Upon completion of the study, an Environmental Study Report will be available for public review for 30 days. This report provides a summary of the study process, comments received, and a description of the preferred design. 

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